Expert Zuora and Salesforce Revenue Cloud Implementation

At Kaana, we specialize in delivering top-tier implementation services for Zuora and Salesforce Revenue Cloud. Our approach is highly iterative, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance. Utilizing collaborative technology, solution accelerators, and strategic resources, we provide a comprehensive solution tailored to your business needs.

Experts Who Deliver Results Quickly

Kaana’s implementation & integration teams bring together cloud, mobile, and social technology expertise, and a deep understanding of the way people work. By involving our customers in a highly iterative approach — powered by collaborative technology and with access to unlimited resources through crowdsourcing — we deliver results quickly.


Build a website from a foundation that drives success.

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Prebuilt pages and components
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Implementation Services Icon
Implementation Services

We begin each implementation with Actionable Strategy; strategic guidance focused on the investments in people, process, and technology that deliver tangible results in year one, and help you transform over time.

With our expertise and best practices from hundreds of digital transformation projects, we then turn your desired future state into a concrete set of technical and process requirements that ensure the success of even the most complex deployments.

Integration Services Icon
Integration Services

Most companies find it challenging to choose the right approach and have limited resources to implement complex integrations.

Our team combines expertise with cloud middleware, cloud APIs, a pre-build productized integrators to help you develop the right integration strategy and architecture for your application integrations.

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Consolidation Services

M&A activity often warrants a reassessment of existing business systems and infrastructure. The last thing you need are brittle and disparate systems and integration silos that are opaque, inflexible and slow your time to value.

Kaana provides business systems consolidation services so multiple business units and brands can operate under the same systems allowing you to regain control, improve agility, and enable powerful business visibility across your ecosystem.